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Dr.C.Burnice Nalina Kumari, MDS,
Mobile No: +91 9790944335
Email: editorjidam@gmail.com
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Review Process:
JIDAM is known for it's fair double blinded peer review and fast publication. In first 5 days, we undertake an initial inhouse technical check to assess the quality of the article including article format and plagerism check. Submissions may be returned to the author if there are any technical corrections.
After technical check,the manuscript will go through a review process with 2 reviewers specialised in the topic
of submitted research. The review process may take maximum of 2 weeks and their comments will be sent to authors. Authors need to reply the queries
(if any) raised by the reviewers within next 10 days. Only then, the article will be considered for publication.
Once the article has been approved and accepted by the Editorial board,no changes in the content, images, tables or changes
in the contributing authors will be entertained.